Go to Settings --> Products --> Create New Product
There are five product types:
- Offering with Sessions
- Here you can select the dates, days, and times of the service. If you like you can create multiple options. This works great for creating reoccurring sessions that occur in a set period of time. Based on your selections that system will automatically create sub-products that will allow check-in, reporting, and additional options per day.
- You can read more about Dates and Sessions here.
- Recurring / Donations / Memberships / Subscriptions
- Offerings that require recurring billing, memberships, donations, and seat-based billing. Recurring products will be added automatically to the user's cart at the intervals you set. The system will also auto-charge them on those dates. More on Recurring Products
- One Time Events / All Day Activities / Services
- Static product options like one-time events or activities or services. Dates are mandatory for this product type, but there are no options to choose dates within a range (like the Offering with Sessions). Time conflict is off by default. Prorating is also not possible, unlike with sessions.
- Merchandise
- Physical products like merchandise or literature, or zero-priced product options. This product type offers limited functionality, and should only be used for physical products.
- Discount
- Reduces the price of the entire cart or the price of specific products. Can be a fixed value or a percentage.
Product Details
- Can only be ordered once - one product per user
- Visible to users - when off the product can only be added to carts by admins or if triggered to add
- Assign Admins / Set Instructors When assigning a product to an admin they will get notifications on changes and you can search based on their name on the front-end. Use this option to manage instructors or admins that are responsible for the offering.
- Description - product descriptions display beneath the product name and can include images or videos using the source tab
- Filter and Reporting Options - create filters your users can use to view products on the front end that can be added to reports!
- Internal ID - This information can be presented in the product report
- Location - Allow users to filter based on location.
- Misc 1 & 2 - Filters of your choice. Name them in the form's product widget
- Product Locking Settings
- Lock for changes once any amount allocated to product - Use this option if you have autobill plans that allow users to make partial payments towards the product
- Lock for changes once fully paid
- Lock once added to cart - use this for mandatory products like application fees, or to prevent the user from altering their cart after ordering.
- Fund Allocation Settings - Force funds to be allocated to this product first, which is not recommended. Default allocations are top - down in the cart based on the order date
- Product Type - determines if head-units, sub-units, or both can order the product
- Time Conflict & Purchase Protection
- Purchase Protection FAQ
- Make Purchase Protection opt-in for this offering - turn ON to require users to select Purchase Protection as opposed to it automatically adding
- Allow users to select offerings with overlapping times for this offering - Turn ON to allow users to select products occurring at the same time and day
- Availability/Expiration date - automatically displays/hides the product on specific days. You can use this with a trigger to add an early bird discount or late fee. To hide a product anytime, turn OFF visible to users.
- Quota Settings - allow you to limit the number of users who order the product. If you'd like to prevent users from counting towards the quota until they have paid for the product (even partially), turn on the cart timer
- Allow Waitlist - turn on if you'd like to allow users to select the product after it's quota has been met. More on managing the waitlist
Additional Settings for Specific Product Types
These settings are for all products. Each product type also has settings specific to their structure.
- Subscriptions (Recurring / Donations / Membership / SaaS) Settings
- Offering with Sessions Settings
- One time Events / All Day Activities / Services
- Merchandise products have no additional settings
- Discount Settings