Sometimes your applicants will mistakenly choose the wrong products. It’s up to you to decide whether they should be able to remove these products themselves or if only an admin can remove the products from their cart.
Let’s begin in User Management.
Locate your users by searching their names or email addresses. Or utilize our filter tool to narrow your search to those that meet your criteria (fields, products, payments, and more).
Once you’ve located the user(s), open their cart to edit it. You can open their cart by either clicking on the first dollar amount next to their progress bar or by clicking into their profile and selecting the cart tab.
The user side panel will appear with Cart details.
Note: In a family or group system, you’ll need to click “View” on the cart you want to view. The cart will appear automatically in an individual system.
From here hover over the product you’d like to remove. An option to remove the item will appear. Click remove, you’ll be asked to confirm that you want to remove the product.
In some cases, a product is marked “Unlock (Admin’s Only)” instead of “Remove”. Simply click the “yes” button and confirm you’d like to unlock the product. Then you can remove the product or units and re-lock the product.
Note: You can also add a product to the user’s cart in this menu as well. Simply click the “Add Products/Services” button on the bottom right.