Whether it is a multi-step application, a last-minute required form, or a post-registration survey/evaluation form, you can add forms to an applicant's flow at any time. Decide who should fill out the new form you add. Should everyone or only certain specific users?
Navigate to the User Management section of your project, by clicking “Users”. Use the Filter button to narrow down the group of users that need a new form. Could be everyone enrolled in a certain option, or everyone who answered a specific question. Then select all.
These selected users should be the applicants you want the new form to appear upon their next login to collect additional information. Once those are selected, click “Tools” and “Add Forms to Users” under the “Forms” section.
Once you select “Add Forms to Users”, the system will ask you which forms to add. Select the form or forms you want to add by clicking the “+ Add” button. Then submit your answer by clicking “+ Add Forms”.
Once you submit your action, the system will update your selected users automatically. Double-check that your users have the appropriate forms, by clicking on someone’s status bar (the colored bar that shows how many complete/incomplete forms they have).
Note: This process is the same for adding forms to one user.
The new form should be red (indicating it is incomplete), whereas the completed forms are green. As an admin, you can override a form’s status (complete, incomplete, locked, unlocked) or completely remove/add a form to a specific user (or group of users).