Go to Settings --> Project Settings --> Payments
The payments tab allows account owners to view and edit payment information and financial contact information.
- Admin payment receipts come from - This is the email that will be listed on payment receipts and other payment related emails sent to the end user / payee. If no admin is selected the email will go out from the most recently created admin marked as organization owner.
- Financial Contacts - Admins to be notifed when there is a chargeback, decline, or cancelled payment. Admins listed will get the payment notifications for negative payment sitautions.
If no financial contacts are selected the email will go out to all admins marked as organization owners. - Send Admins End-User Payment Notifications - "ON" means that every payment notification that goes out to a user will also go out to the listed financial contacts above. Select this option only if you have a low number of payments going through the system.
Everything else on the payments tab