Here's how payment processing works in Regpack
When you onboard with Regpack, you will be prompted to complete a merchant account application.
Go to --> Project Settings --> Payments to view and edit your merchant account information.
Click the red "Setup Merchant Account" button, which will open a side panel with the application.
New merchant account applications require supporting documentation detailed here
Select a Deposit Schedule and Payout Currency
Details about deposit schedule options
Payout Currency:
Only one payout currency is allowed per merchant account.
Any currency conversions or fees are handled directly by the merchant provider.
The payment team can configure your merchant account so that an optional reserve amount is held from your payouts until the refund reserve is met. Refund reserves allow you to issue refunds when there are not sufficient funds in your merchant account to cover the refund. When additional payments are made, the reserve is replenished, and at the end of your registration season the refund reserve can be paid out.
Minimum payout amount:
The minimum balance of your merchant account to trigger a deposit defaults to $35, but is your choice. If your balance is lower than this amount then it will affect your payout frequency.
After the Merchant Account Application is submitted:
It takes 1-5 business days to set up the merchant account. You will receive a notification when your merchant account is approved and ready to accept payments or if additional documentation is required. Do not invite users to register until you receive confirmation that the merchant account is set up!
The payments tab in Project Settings will show the account as an option for selection once approved.