Regpack allows you to check-in and check out users from sessions in a few ways.
- You can check in or check out an individual user in their cart.
- You can bulk check-in or check out users from the Tools menu
- You can check-in or check out individually or in bulk from the Products Module.
The easiest way to perform this is by clicking “Tools” and “Check-in / Check Out”. The panel that opens filters and presents ONLY sessions that are eligible for check-in and check out.
Simply select the session you want to check-in or check-out and a list of all users who have ordered the product will display.
What information is recorded for check-in and check-out
The check-in tool will record the admin who recorded the check-in/out, the date, time, and device they used.
You can check-in a user for any session that has already begun or happened. Meaning if it is June 15th, you can check-in any sessions from June 15th and before. Future dates are not eligible for check-in or check-out.
If you check-out a user, without checking them in, the check-in will automatically record at the beginning of the session.
Individual Check-In
From the user’s panel, head over to their cart and locate the session you’d like to check them in for.
You can also view all users who ordered a session, and then access an individual user’s cart directly from the orders panel:
Bulk Check-In
You can check users in and out in Bulk to save time.
You can do this by going to Tools and “Check in Check out” and then select the session you’d like to manage.
You can also find the orders panel through the products module:
As you can see, if there are multiple dates that users are eligible to check-in for, they will all show here. No dates in the future will show.
You can click “Mark All” to check-in for all dates and then click “Update” at the bottom. This will check ALL users in for ALL dates selected. Follow the same process for Check-Out.