To edit a form, go to settings --> forms --> edit form properties
To edit form fields, go to settings --> forms --> edit form fields.
Group system note
In group systems, the form will be set to either Parent or Child form. The parent forms are shown once per account, and the child forms are shown for each child/attendee/sub-unit on the account. This setting cannot be changed once users have the form on their accounts, but you can copy the form then change the Parent/Child level.
Form Settings
Category - The form category only shows on the back end, and is a way for admins to organize the forms.
Name - This is the form name, which shows on the back end and the front end
Mandatory - Is the form mandatory for registration to be considered complete? This is represented in the user's status bar
Auto Lock - When turned on, the form cannot be edited on the front end once it's complete
Roadblock - prevents users from proceeding to the next form if the mandatory fields are not complete. Each field can be set as mandatory or not
Admin Only Form - the form can be on user's accounts, but is only visible to admins on the back end
Anonymous - users are able to access the form without creating an account or logging in.
Here's how to create an anonymous project
Availability/Expiration Date - the form is available to users during a certain timeframe - starting on a particular day and/or ending on a particular day
Form Completion/Submission - the form is marked complete when the user completes all the mandatory fields, when they complete the mandatory fields AND have viewed the form, or only when marked complete by an admin