Stars give you a quick way to identify users and can be searched for using filters (similar to statuses). You can choose between 4 different star colors and use them in any way that works for your process! Stars are unique to admins.
Adding a Star to a User
- Head to Users
- Find the user you wish to add a star to.
- On the righthand side of their user line, click the star until you find the color you wish to use.
Sorting by Stars
If you click the drop-down at "Sort by" you will see that "Family Stars" (in a family system) or "Stars" (in an individual system) is an option, and it will sort your users based on their star designation. It will sort initially by users WITH stars but you can click "Sort by" and "Stars" again to reverse the order for users without a star first.
Uses for Star Labels
There are many ways you can use star labels to help keep organized. Since star labels are only for you to see, they can be a great asset to your organization in addition to statuses. Some ideas include:
- Marking a user you have called and/or emailed
- Marking a user who has or has not completed a specific form or payment.
- Using stars while planning out table, cabin or counselor assignments as there are 5 star colors to choose from.