You can control which products your users see by enabling a trigger.
You can decide if a product (or group of products) should be visible to a specific group of users or hidden from a specific group of users. It all depends on which trigger you utilize or what setting is enabled. You are also able to control whether or not untriggered products will show up to your users when they view the product selection form.
This can be useful if you trigger all of your products, and you do not want untriggered products accidentally appearing to applicants. It may cut down possible confusion with your users as they go through your registration process.
To enable this setting, first, navigate to the Product Management page by going to Settings -> Products.
Look to the right and click the Tools button on the top right.
Next, select the General Settings then a separate menu will open.
This will give you a list of different configurations you can enable or keep disabled.
Click the toggle button next to Users Can Only See Products That Have a Trigger to toggle it “On”. This will make untriggered products not appear to users when they are selecting products.
Once the button is toggled “On”, remember to click the Save button at the bottom of the page! This will then update your system, so your users will not see any untriggered products.
Now that you have reconfigured your product settings, you should also re-test your system and make sure it is working properly. Create a product without a trigger and then create a test user. See if that test user can view the untriggered product or not.