There are times you will want to add a one-time charge or product to a user’s account to adjust their balance. Whether you want to add a one-time fee to their cart or add a product, you have a few options using our Products module to achieve this.
- Create an “Admin Only” product
In Product Management, create a product for the one-time fee you’d like to add to the user’s cart. When creating your new product, toggle “Admin Only” as an option. The product will not display to other users in their product selection on the project front-end.
You’ll be able to add this product to your user’s cart in User Management. If the user has a saved card on file (and you have authorization), you can also charge the user.
Adding the product to a user cart:
Like any other product, Admin-Only products can be viewed in a sales report so you can report on those charges.
- Add a private product
We don’t recommend this unless you need to add a one-time charge for taxes or convenience fees.
Keep in mind that Private Products are not included in product reporting or search filters. If you would need any kind of payment and/or sales reports, you may want to create a product.
You can add a private product from the user’s cart in User Management. (Locate your user -> Click on their cart -> Add Products/Services -> Add Private Product). Private products can only be added one user at a time. Click here for more information on adding private products.