You can create a new recurring product in any Regpack project by simply creating a new product and selecting "Recurring" as the product type.
Recurring products are great for
- Donations
- Subscriptions
- Renewals
- Memberships
- Annual Plans
Recurring Products have a subset of settings that allow you to customize the product to your specifications. These include:
- How often the system should add the product to the user's cart (daily, monthly, annually, custom number of days)
- Allowing the user the option to unsubscribe themselves or opt-in to renewal
- When to stop adding the product to the user cart (never, after X number of occurrences, on a fixed date)
- The ability to upgrade/downgrade to other products in your project
- How upgrades or downgrades will be billed, including prorating options
- For Upgrade or Downgrade on the next billing cycle the new start date will be the end date of the existing plan.
- For Upgrade/Downgrade now, prorating will calculate the cost per day of the previous option, and then prorate the difference based on the new product
- Turn prorating off if you'd like the user to pay the full value of the new product, regardless of previous payments on another plan (could result in double payment for overlapping days)
- Automatic upgrading settings that allow you to upgrade a subscription to a new one automatically when conditions are met (like for a free trial)
- Autocharging of recurring products, including any delay in charging after the product is added aka a "grace period".
In addition, you'll have settings you find on any product type in Regpack, including the description, filter options, Purchase Protection, availability and expiration dates, and quotas.
With autocharging, you decide if you'd like to also have the system automatically charge the user once the product is in the cart. The recommended setting is "on". If "off", the user will have to initiate a payment themselves. You can set a delay to the autocharge, which means that if the product is set to add on the 1st of the month, each month, the charge will happen X number of days after the product is added. The user needs to have a saved payment method on file for auto charging to work. You can also set a payment grace period before the subscription is marked as invalid. The grace period is the time between adding the product to the cart and when the system marks the subscription as invalid. We recommend the number of days be larger or equal to the auto charge setting.
Auto Renewing
If under "when to stop adding" you've selected a specific number of occurrences, the auto renewing settings will appear. You can turn auto renewing on. The system will then renew the product once all the instances have been added. We recommend turning the setting for the product to renew automatically to "On" When on, you can limit the number of auto-renewing instances. For example, if you have a 2-year plan, you can set the renewal to 1, and the occurrences to 12 (1 year), so the user is charged monthly for 1 year, and then the plan repeats another time, for a total of 24 months. If selected, you can control how many times it auto-renews.
Things to Keep in Mind:
For recurring products that aren't set to "never" end, there are subscription-completed settings to choose from.
- Recommended: When the date of the last occurrence passes
- When all occurrences that are not disabled have been added
- When all occurrences that are not disabled have been added and paid
We recommend the first option, which means that the system waits for the timeframe to end. Basically only the date is considered when ending the product. You can also choose to complete the reoccurrence when all occurrences have been added, which means that once all units are added to the cart, the process is considered complete, and the product will end or renew, based on your auto-renew settings. Lastly, you can choose to complete the recurring product when all occurrences that are not disabled are added AND PAID FOR. The system will only consider the process complete and renew once all units are paid for. Actions in the User Cart You can auto-renew a recurring product before its renewal date for a user. Go to their cart, and select either View Subscription (which will show a list of all the times the product renewed below) or Subscription Management. When you click on "Subscription Management", you'll see these options:
You can pause the subscription, edit the dates the subscription is valid for, auto-renew the subscription, and unsubscribe or remove the subscription product from the user's cart. If you select pause, you can select what date the subscription should pause, and which date the system will automatically restart the product. Edit dates allows you to enter a new start date for the subscription. The date you enter will replace the original start date and can alter billing dates. Auto-renew will present you with two options. 1. Auto-renew and prorate the user, which means you'd like the new renewal period to start today. The system will pro-rate the user for the previous period and then begin the new cycle today. 2. Auto-renew at the end of the current cycle. This will create a new cycle that will begin on the date the current cycle ends. This will allow the user to pay ahead of time as well, if needed.
Filter Recurring Products by Subscribed or Unsubscribed Status
You can filter in order to manage/track subscribed or unsubscribed users with recurring products in their cart in User Management. Click on the search bar, and click "Products" and then select the recurring product you'd like to filter for. You'll see the options below and can select "subscribed" or "unsubscribed". You can also filter using cart filters, and selecting "Subscription Pause Date" to find subscriptions that are paused. Click "Product type in cart" to view all users with specific recurring products in their cart.