By default, anytime a payment is made in Regpack, without an autobill plan, the system will allocate payments starting at the top product in a user's cart and will move down sequentially to pay off the entire order.
By default, anytime a payment is made in Regpack, with an autobill plan, the system will allocate payments equally across each product the autobill plan applies to. For example, if a user has 4 products in their cart, and the autobill plan is set to apply to their entire order, our system will allocate 25% to each product for each payment until their entire balance is completely paid. The first step to controlling how our system allocates payments is by creating and allowing the use of autobill plans. More information on how to create autobill plans can be found here.
There is one more advanced function that is capable of overriding these default settings. Each product has a fund allocation setting that will allow you to prioritize paying off that one product over every product in the user's cart or in an autobill grouping.