Updated Product creation drop-down User Interface
In Product management you will see that when you click "Create a new product", the drop-down will display the products in a slightly different way, along with a text description to understand what they are used for. Clicking them will allow you to create products the normal way, but instead of choosing which product from a radio button, it goes directly to that product.
Updates to Product Management Edit button
The edit button for products will now always be visible on the right-hand side of the page instead of only displaying on hover. Functions the same way, but made more obvious.
Product settings are now located in Project Settings
In order to keep settings for a project in one location, the product settings now takes you to project settings to make changes to how products work.
Abandoned Cart Totals
Below the orders listed under User Management if an admin is using cart timer there will be a small portion of text labelled abandoned and the total value of the cart that does not have a payment allocated.
Create/Copy project new fields
When creating a new project or copying a project there will now be new fields presented prior to creating a project: Project Goals, Expected number of users, and Overall processing volume expected to achieve in this project